Carbon emissions contribute to the greenhouse effect, and, therefore, can lead to climate change. Carbon emissions result from the combustion of fossil fuels and the degradation of organics. Methane emissions from landfills represent a significant source of carbon emissions, since methane has a global warming potential about 21 times that of CO2. The use of gasification can create offsets for carbon emissions through increased recycling, diversion of organics from landfills, and displacement of fossil fuels.
Gasification systems are capable of achieving a 100% efficiency gain over traditional methods of power generation and their emissions output is carbon neutral.
The overall benefit of gasification as an advanced technology is that of increased environmental sustainability. In general, environmental sustainability involves a number of issues, including:
- Reliance on renewable energy
- Improving environmental quality
- Reducing waste
- Conserving natural resources
- Responsible consumption
- Long-term focus
Therefore, the use of gasification closely complies with the goals of environmental sustainability. As the general public begins to realize the significant environmental advantages of gasification, the development of more gasification facilities is expected.
CO2 production from the gasifier is dependent on the type of waste or biomass used, the moisture content and the ash content of the fuel. These quantities all vary greatly depending on the fuel source. The general case for carbon reduction using gasification is through the use of energy under controlled conditions which otherwise would be lost in the form of greenhouse gases. This is especially true of methane, which is some 20 times more harmful than the CO2 that is emitted at landfill sites. Methane biogas generation is still present at landfill sites but most methane gas escapes into the environment.
Gasification of biomass is a carbon neutral cycle, when it is provided with sustainable resources and when sustainable management of the resources is employed. This is illustrated in the figure below. With gasification of biomass, the CO2 produced is recycled back to “greens” via natural photosynthesis. Non-hazardous ash produced from the gasification of biomass can also be used as fertilizer in agriculture as it contains minerals such as potassium and sodium. Gasification of biomass reduces CO2 emissions principally because it decreases the use of fossil fuels.